Hello, there is a sickness running around the office this week and I wasn't excluded so there is a growing pile of used tissues on the table while I'm writing this and when Robert talks, he sounds like a creeper from horror movies :)
Hi folks, so this has been one of those weeks when it is suddenly Friday afternoon and you are wondering where did the week go. Fortunately there are the Friday Facts to put myself together and retrace the events=)) The Grey Zone At the moment we are kind of in a grey zone. The 0.12 bugs are more or less solved (though there is still some "popping up" of new issues) and the full speed work on 0.13 hasn't started yet (actually not even slow speed work has started). We are finishing with little (often technical debt) tasks from our internal lists. There is just ton of issues like: fixing locale fonts, updating tips and tricks, writing tests for compilcated existing functionality, tweaking our automatic deployment and testing setup, auto-generating the Lua API documentation, fixing sound glitches, etc. The list goes on. One of the tasks has been related to our headless binary. This is the binary to run on linux servers without graphics card. This is now available in the downloads section alongside other releases. There is a small convenience difference where by clicking the download, the resulting download link (from one of our cdn servers) is valid for 10 minutes (instead of regular 10 seconds) so the server owner can conveniently copy this url and download the game directly from the server. In the future we plan to have the updater work for headless servers as well so that will make things even more convenient. The good news is that the list of these little tasks is getting shorter. Also we have already more or less agreed on distribution of big tasks for the 0.13. These have been discussed in the past and are also visible at our roadmap. Some work on these should start already next week. We will keep you up to date=)
Hello, quite unsurprisingly, yet another week has passed (in my experience this has always happened so far:)) and it is the FFF time. Our almost almost fully automatic release mechanism (now only missing the big red button) has taken care of the latest 0.12.8 release which is looking quite good so far (only 17 outstanding issues! YaY!). We have shifted the release day to the middle of the week (this time wednesday) to have some time for a hotfix in case something goes wrong. And also to alleviate the "Friday release stress". However, long ago are the times, when release would take hours to prepare then some more time to test and then waiting with fingers crossed if some serious issue doesn't appear in bug reports. Now all the process is automated, tests give us kind of security than things won't go horridly wrong, so we can just start the script in the evening and go home :)
Hello, I went back to reading sci-fi these weeks, and I'm amazed by the amount of interesting ideas are there. One of the first short stories from Philip K. Dick I read is called autofac, it is about auto replicating industrial factories that got out of control. This reminded me Factorio a lot. One day, we will have to extend the game to make self replicating factories possible, because that was actually the first goal I had in mind when I started thinking about this game, so it would be really pity to miss it.
Hi everyone, the summer is slowly preparing to pack its stuff. Overall weather is still very pleasant however mornings and evenings are getting colder and days are getting shorter. So is our list of bugs on the forum actually! With current 0.12.6 there are about 30 open bug reports in total. The pendulum is swinging back and forth all the time but it seems like a good start for having stable release within few iterations. At the moment it looks like that development work for the release will be done before the gfx work - we are commited to ship a full set of new technology and equipment sprites for the stable 0.12.
Hello, I was talking with a guy in a pub yesterday and when we get to the topic what we do, I told him that I do a computer game. He asked me what is the name of it, and when I told him it is Factorio he couldn't believe me. He actually knew it, he played it from the alpha release and he apparently really liked it. I didn't expect at all that some stranger would know the game. This was really a nice confirmation, that the sales and forum posts are probably real people playing the game, not just some numbers in a database and I won't lie to you, the experience is nice :).
Hello, so this is the 100th edition of Friday Facts! It has been a while :) Feels kind of incredible that we have managed to put a (more or less) relevant blog post about what we do every week for 100 consecutive (!) times. However, somehow in line with Murphy's laws, there hasn't been much happening this week=)
Good day to all, it is hot here. Really hot. We have loosened our "dressing policy" to "no T-shirt is fine". Both of our fans are running full speed and the fridge is stacked with ice cube plates. People come and go all the time - it is the mids of vacation period after all. Half empty (or half full) office has become a standard these days. Still the work goes on and there is progress.
Hello, another bugfixing week is behind us, there seems to be temperature records every other day in the Czech Republic so the productivity is much better during the night, when it is "only" 25 degrees. Now I start to experience the need of siesta and night live in the countries with hot climate.
Hello, I will start today's Factorio friday facts with a famost quote: Only two things are infinite. The universe and the Factorio map. But i'm unsure about the Factorio map. Albert Einstein.